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DGFT Guru > Digital Signature Certificate

Digital Signature Certificate

The Digital Signature Certificate for DGFT is the electronic version of a traditional paper certificate. These certificates are becoming mandated by law in various contexts and industries, including healthcare and the financial sector. It allows you to digitally sign papers and access restricted online resources after establishing your identity.

What is Digital Signature Certificate for DGFT?

The Certificate Authority (CA) is a document that provides the public key for a digital signature and lists all the identities linked with that key, including the company’s name. Using a Digital Signature Certificate adds an extra layer of protection and confidentiality when conducting business online.

By submitting bills of entry with a Digital Signature Certificate, businesses can protect themselves against identity theft. Any business that needs an import or export license must have a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate issued by an authorized company representative. Organizations submit applications on behalf of their clients through a representative or someone with signature authority. For transactions on the DGFT website, including obtaining an IEC and other benefits, all Export-Import (EXIM) organizations and businesses need to hold a Digital Signature Certificate. All documents signed with a DSC are legally binding because the DGFT portal verifies the authenticity of all Digital signatures for DGFT that have been registered.

On November 26, 2020, a Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) changed the issue of Digital Signature Certificates Class 2. DSC will be phased out by January 1, 2021. According to the guidelines, Class 3 DSC should be used instead of Class 2 DSC for all tax, PF, GST, RoC filing, and tendering purposes. Class 2 DSC will no longer be available for purchase or renewal after December 31, 2020.

DGFT Digital signature requirements

  • Import and export deals conducted through the DGFT website utilize DSC.
  • Your electronic identity can be verified and secured with the help of a Digital Signature for DGFT.
  • Privacy of information communicated via the certificate is ensured, and high transaction security levels are provided.
  • DSC can be used to send encrypted messages that the intended recipient can only decode.
  • It is possible to validate your identity as the message’s sender and reassure the recipient using digital signatures.
  • DSC is also used for e-taxing, e-tendering documents, income tax filings, and gaining access to a small number of membership-only websites.
  • Companies can protect themselves from identity theft and other forms of fraud by employing digital signature certificates when submitting bills of entry. Whenever a company uses Custom House Agents to submit paperwork, it must ensure that a DSC accompanies each document submitted.
  • A DGFT Digital Signature Certificate is required when applying for an Import or Export License in the name of a person authorized to act on the organization’s behalf.
  • Documents submitted with a DGFT Digital Signature are given the same weight as those signed by hand and are eligible for the benefits of the Indian Information Technology Act of 2000.
  • For Exporters and Importers who use DGFT Digital Signature Certificates, the DGFT has offered a generous financial incentive in the form of a 50% license fee waiver.
  • Furthermore, a DGFT Digital signature is a much more secure access method.

Who can buy DGFT Digital Signature Certificate?

DGFT Digital Signature can be purchased by any company with a current IEC Code. Digital Signature for DGFT can be issued to sole proprietors, partnerships, limited liability partnerships (LLPs), and public limited companies. Any authorized representative of an eligible entity can apply for a DGFT Digital Signature on its behalf, subject to verification and the submission of supporting documentation. The DGFT Department’s IEC Code and the accompanying IEC Certificate are necessities for any legitimate business.

What are the documents required for DGFT DSC?

  • The Aadhar Card
  • PAN card
  • Proof of Residence
  • Photo
  • IEC Copy
  • Certificate of Incorporation/Business Registration Copy
  • Last three months’ bank statements
  • Authorization Letter/Copy of Partnership Deed with Partner List (in case of partnership firm)
  • Certificate of Incorporation or Articles of Organizational Formation

How to register DSC on DGFT?

  • Log in to the DGFT homepage with your credentials.  
  • From the main menu, select My Dashboard, then click View and Register Digital Signature Token.
  • Read the page’s informational portion before downloading the eMudhra utility and USB token’s necessary drivers from the eMudhra website.
  • The Digital Signature Registration window will appear once you click the Register New DSC button.
  • Choose a provider from the list, click on the Certificates tab and input the password for the corresponding certificate. To sign up, just hit the Register tab.
  • The system will verify the token based on the stored credentials. Details about who has registered will be shown.

Get your DGFT Digital Signature Certificate today with DGFT Guru

DGFT Guru is staffed by specialists that have amassed a wealth of knowledge in DGFT Consultancy Services thanks to their years of experience. DGFT Guru provides digital certificates for various purposes, including those of the MCA (ROC), GST, Income Tax, Tenders, Foreign Trade, Banking, and Railways, and is a Certifying Authority licensed by the Controller of Certifying Authorities. With the quickest turnaround time and a completely paperless system, we are the market leader in issuing digital signatures. DGFT Digital Signature costs are optimal between 2,000 to 5,000.

30+ Years of Experience, dedicated team of DGFT Experts


Only Class-2 or Class-3 Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) issued by CCA-approved certifying agencies in India are valid. This Digital Signature is required for DGFT. For a directory of approved DSC service providers, please visit You can visit a CA’s website to see the paperwork needed to obtain a digital token.

Apply for DGFT DSC using the following actions:

First, go to the DGFT website and hit the “Login” button.  Next, click the “Login” button after you’ve entered your username, password, and CAPTCHA code.  Select “View and Register DSC” from the “My Dashboard” pull-down option to proceed to the next step.  Select “Register New DSC.” Choose the Provider List and Certificate List, and Click the Register button after entering the password for the certificate.  The system will verify the token using the information already on file.  Your account information will be shown.

To renew DSC, you need to get the Token driver application by plugging the USB token into your computer. To use the embridge utility tool, you must first download it from the DGFT website and then run it. Once that’s done, launch the embridge application.  To access the DGFT portal, please log in.  Select “My Dashboard” from the Menu.  Then, select Register Digital Signature Token and click the View button.  Digital Signature Registration by clicking the link. Follow this by going to the USB’s settings, selecting the Provider List and Certificate List, and entering the USB password.  Finally, hit the “Register” button.  Your Digital Signature has been successfully registered on the DGFT portal.

With this Digital Signature Certificate for DGFT, you can feel safe conducting online financial transactions because DSC will electronically verify your identity.

Three open-source digital signature applications are available to get free DSC:

  • You may use Docusign to sign any file or document digitally.
  • HelloSign, in case you didn’t know, is a convenient way to make a digital signature certificate for electronic transactions.
  • Using the Smallpdf tools, you may add your unique digital signature to any PDF document.

DSC in India is issued by legitimate Certifying Authorities (CAs). A Certifying Authority (CA) is a party authorized by the Indian IT Act of 2000, Section 24, to issue digital signature certificates.