The Digital Signature Certificate for DGFT is the electronic version of a traditional paper certificate. These certificates are becoming mandated by law in various contexts and industries, including healthcare and the financial sector. It allows you to digitally sign papers and access restricted online resources after establishing your identity.
The Certificate Authority (CA) is a document that provides the public key for a digital signature and lists all the identities linked with that key, including the company’s name. Using a Digital Signature Certificate adds an extra layer of protection and confidentiality when conducting business online.
By submitting bills of entry with a Digital Signature Certificate, businesses can protect themselves against identity theft. Any business that needs an import or export license must have a Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate issued by an authorized company representative. Organizations submit applications on behalf of their clients through a representative or someone with signature authority. For transactions on the DGFT website, including obtaining an IEC and other benefits, all Export-Import (EXIM) organizations and businesses need to hold a Digital Signature Certificate. All documents signed with a DSC are legally binding because the DGFT portal verifies the authenticity of all Digital signatures for DGFT that have been registered.
On November 26, 2020, a Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) changed the issue of Digital Signature Certificates Class 2. DSC will be phased out by January 1, 2021. According to the guidelines, Class 3 DSC should be used instead of Class 2 DSC for all tax, PF, GST, RoC filing, and tendering purposes. Class 2 DSC will no longer be available for purchase or renewal after December 31, 2020.