Consulting And Compliance
DGFT Guru > Notification > The deadline for submitting e-BRCs is now extended

The deadline for submitting e-BRCs is now extended

Notification Dated: 6 September 2022

  • Trading Notification No. 12, issued 30.05.2022, requested the exporting community to upload appropriate e-BRCs to the DGFT system by 15.07.2022. 
  • The last day for uploading all such e-brcs, where RoSCTL scrips have been granted for shipping bills up to 31.12.2020, has been extended to 30.09.2022, failing which the jurisdictional RAs will begin actions as per para 4.96 of HBP, as issued vide PN 58 dated 29.01.2020. 
  • Regional Authorities may take FT (D&R) Act, 1992 action after 30.09.2022. Export Promotion Councils/Textile Associations should widely distribute this Trade Notice for the clothing and made-up exporting sector.

Click here to view the public notice dated: 6.9.2022

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