What is the meaning of License or Authorization in regard to DGFT?
Licenses or Authorizations in regard to DGFT can be of many types such as –
Duty Credit Scrips like EPCG License, Advance License, MEIS, SEIS, DFIA, RoSCTL etcetera which can be further classified into Actual User Condition and Transferrable Licenses. These licenses are used to save Customs Duty.
Import or Export License to Import or Export items that are restricted by DGFT.
Status Holder Certificate for Exporters who have made exceptional performance in their Exports. This certificate helps Exporters in many ways such as exemption from fulfilling Bank Guarantee at Customs while registering pre import conditioned licenses, issue Certificate of Origin on their own, priority shipment clearance at Customs.
SCOMET License to import or export items related to SCOMET Listings.
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